Anxiety and How Experts Advise to Deal With It

Anxiety is necessary for a person because it helps him adapt to change. Elevated levels of anxiety, as well as its complete absence, therefore, are not the norm. How to cope with anxiety on their own, if it exceeds the norm?

Anxiety is a negatively colored emotion, which expresses a sense of uncertainty, expectations of negative events, and feelings of intangible anticipation. This emotion is connected with fear for the future, and the more uncertain it is drawn, the more intense this feeling becomes.

Types of Anxiety

Personality Anxiety

Is an individual characteristic of the person, it is formed from early childhood (there are cases where it occurs in utero and is associated with the mother’s condition during pregnancy) under the influence of external factors and parenting features. It becomes a character trait and can lead to neurotic disorders.

Situational Anxiety

It occurs under the influence of external factors that are life-threatening and threatening to a person’s well-being at a given time.

It’s necessary to adapt to change. Anxiety provokes increased excitement and pushes a person to certain actions, which are aimed at protection and survival in the new realities. So, the purchase of basic necessities, immersion in information flows are ways to cope with the situation and lead to temporary relief. If life around you stabilizes, anxiety usually decreases, and the person returns to his or her normal state.

Thus, the average level of anxiety is the norm and helps to adapt to the changing conditions of life.

Complete absence of anxiety in a situation of uncertainty, which may be due to such psychoprotection as displacement, leads to inaction. In case of a real threat, it can lead to an accident.

An elevated level of anxiety over a long period of time can also be dangerous. In such a state, a person’s physical and psychological health suffers. As a result, the body becomes exhausted, which may lead to serious health problems, and in the case of a real threat, it will no longer have the strength to take the necessary actions.

Manifestations of Anxiety

Physiological Level

Anxiety manifests as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, flushed skin, increased blood pressure, increased general excitability, decreased sensitivity thresholds, chills and shivers, sweating, nausea, dry mouth, weakness in the legs.

Emotional Level

Anxiety is manifested by feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, insecurity, apprehension, fear, tension, irritability, anxiety, and desolation. This can lead to nightmares, intrusive ideas and difficulty making decisions.

Behavioral Level

Anxiety manifests as aimless pacing around the room, fidgeting, difficulty concentrating, fixation on certain topics, nail biting, squeezing pimples, rocking on a chair, tapping fingers on a table, rubbing hair, twisting various objects in your hands.

Self-help Techniques

Resource Yourself

To do this, remember what gives you a resource and start doing it for yourself. This can be walking, connecting with loved ones, taking care of yourself, betting via, or fitness.

Drink at Least 2 Liters of Water a Day

This is important for good brain function. Moreover, water helps the body to speed up the metabolism and flush out toxic products that are produced during anxiety.

Arrange for a Good Sleep

The room should be ventilated before going to bed or during the night. The number of hours of sleep should be at least 7 to 8. A few hours before going to sleep, put away the gadgets and do something that helps you relax.

React to Your Anxiety Through Your Body

To do this, you can play rhythmic music and start moving chaotically to it, you can imagine yourself as a dog coming out of the water and shaking it off.

Give Voice to Your Anxiety

Start making sounds that reflect your state of mind. It can be a scream, a monotone sound, a growl.


Recall everything you managed to control during the day: your appearance, buying or delivering groceries, household chores, work processes, quantity and quality of communication with other people. All of these things indicate that you can influence your life.

Find Ways to Relax Physically and Psychologically

To do this, you can do a simple exercise: first, tense your whole body as much as possible, and then imagine that you have turned into a rag doll. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times. Stop the flow of your thoughts and look at the sky: what colour it is today, are there clouds, are there birds flying. Focus your attention on these simple things.

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