Mnangagwa ordered a re-run of Zanu-PF primary election in violence hotspot

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has ordered a re-run of Zanu-PF primary elections in areas where violence was recorded.

Mnangagwa said this while addressing the politburo yesterday. The party primaries, which were characterised by violence and intimidation, may see some candidates being disqualified.

Addressing journalists after the politburo meeting last night, Zanu-PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa said Mnangagwa was very clear on the issue of violence.

“One aspect which came out is that if there were any instances of violence in any particular constituency or ward, the President is a hardliner, he is on record for zero tolerance to violence and was very clear that charity begins at home,” he said.”If there were instances of violence carried [out] by either or both of the candidates there could be some disqualifications. If the violence was mutual there are going to be some re-runs,” added Mutsvangwa

“I am not going to announce when the re-runs will be because we would like to have a comprehensive list, when the whole process is done we will come to you,” he added.

“Zanu-PF is a big house and anybody can come to the house,” he said.

Violence was reported across the country in the Zanu-PF elections which were held last week. In some areas there were allegations of gunshots having been fired, kidnapping and rape.

Several Zanu-PF bigwigs fell by the wayside in the weekend bloodbath which has resulted in acrimony within the party.

Source: bulawayo24

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