Zimbabwe News

Mabvuku kombi accident death toll rises to 6

The death toll from the accident which occurred along Donnybrook Road, Chizhanje area, Mabvuku, Harare, on Tuesday has risen to six, police have confirmed.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the accident occurred around 5 PM.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Assistant Commissioner Nyathi said a truck and two kombis were involved in the mishap. He said:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has established that a Howo truck with one passenger on board veered onto the oncoming traffic lane and side-swiped with a Toyota Hiace kombi with 13 passengers on board before having a head-on collision with another Toyota Hiace kombi with five passengers on board. As a result, six people were killed whilst twelve others were injured.

The ZRP named the deceased as follows:

  • Felix Javha, a male adult of Hatfield, Harare.
  • Edinah Ndogwedu, a female adult of Riverside, Ruwa.
  • Tarisai Chigwande, a female adult of Odzi, Zimre Park, Harare.
  • Liberty Chitide, a male adult of Tafara, Harare.

Assistant Commissioner Nyathi said the other two victims are yet to be identified by their next of kin. He added:

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms another fatal road traffic accident in which three people were killed whilst ten others were injured at the 226-kilometre peg along Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road on 21st May 2024 at around 2200 hours.

An ERF truck with three passengers on board encroached onto the oncoming traffic lane resulting in a head-on collision with a Stallion Cruise Bus with 40 passengers on board.

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