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Zimbabwe News

Zimbabwe women’s cricket coach dies

cricket coach

Zimbabwe Senior Women’s national team coach Sinikiwe Mpofu died yesterday.

She was 37 years of age.

Mpofu was pronounced dead on arrival at medical facility after she had collapsed at her home in Masvingo in the morning.

In a statement by Zimbabwe Cricket post moterm will be done to ascertain the cause of her death.

Her husband Chevrons fielding coach Shepherd Makunura also died on the 15th of December last year.

Mpofu was a Zimbabwean cricket coach and player, she represented the Zimbabwe women’s national cricket team at two editions of Women’s Cricket World cup.

In other news – Zimbabwean arrested in Mpumalanga for kidnapping

Police in Mpumalanga have arrested a 43-year-old undocumented Zimbabwean national, and charged him with kidnapping, extortion, armed robbery, and illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition.


Mpumalanga police spokesperson, Brigadier Selvy Mohlala said the 43-year-old was arrested at Botleng, Delmas, on Friday. Learn More

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