Zimbabwe News

Dr Mushohwe declared National Hero

Former Minister of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Dr. Christopher Mushohwe, who died this Monday, has been declared a National Hero. He was 69.

ZANU PF Secretary for Finance Cde Patrick Chinamasa announced the hero status at the Mushohwe family home in Borrowdale, Harare on Monday evening.

“Dr Mushohwe held various positions in government, including ministerial portfolios under the First Republic,” he said.

Dr Mushohwe was the Executive Director of the Presidential and National Scholarships Programme.

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has sent a message of condolences to the Mushohwe family, describing Dr Mushohwe’s death as a great loss to the nation.

He said the ruling ZANU PF party has lost a key stalwart and loyal cadre whose rich and perceptive contributions will be sorely missed.

He also said Dr Mushohwe was instrumental in setting up an educational programme for senior war veterans in government which was run from Zimbabwe House.

President Mnangagwa noted that as the Mushohwe family goes through the painful emotions of grief they must find solace in that the nation shares in their pain and bereavement.

Source: ZBC

In other news – Former Information Minister, Dr Chris Mushohwe dies

Former Minister of Information, Dr Chris Mushohwe has died. He was 69. Cde Mushohwe passed on this morning at his House Number 12 Nigels Lane (off Ridgeway North Road) Colne Valley, Borrowdale in Harare.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Mr. Nick Mangwana announced Mushohwe’s death on Twitter.Learn More

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