The late former President, Robert Mugabe’s daughter, Bona is divorcing her husband of nine years Simbarashe Mutsahuni Chikore on the grounds that their marriage has irretrievably broken down with no prospect of restoration.
Bona Nyapudzai Ouma Mugabe filed the papers at the High Court today seeking an order for a decree of divorce. Bona and Simba married in 2014 at a glamorous ceremony attended by the political and business elite in Harare and outside the country.
According to the divorce papers, Mugabe has filed for full custody for her three children with Chikore granted visits every alternate weekend and is claiming US$8,100 monthly in maintenance. The two have three children from their marriage with Mugabe now claiming US$2,700 per child a month in maintenance from Chikore.
According to the court papers, the parties have lost all love and affection for each other and have been living apart for a period in excess of nine months.
The couple has three children aged seven, five and two. Bona is claiming custody of the children arguing: “It is in the best interests of the minor children that the Plaintiff is given full custody of the children with the Defendant being granted access to them every alternating weekend from Saturday between 8am to Sunday 5pm agreed in advance at agreed places.”
In the case filed under HC 1521/2023, Bona argued: In the event of the granting of the Divorce Decree by the honourable court it will be just and equitable that the Defendant be ordered to pay maintenance for the minor children in the sum of USD2, 700.00 per child monthly, until attaining of majority status or they become self-sustaining whichever occurs first.”
Bona said during the subsistence of the marriage, the parties both jointly as well as severally acquired various movable and immovable property. However, she argued that dealing with proprietary issues in the suit will delay the granting of the divorce decree.
Simbarashe and Bona wedded in a lavish ceremony at the family’s private home in plush Borrowdale in 2014 with three head of states from the region among the top guests.
Source: Bulawayonews24
In other news – President Emmerson Mnangagwa heads for Marange
President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to address one of the country’s largest Christian denominations, the Johanne Marange Apostolic Church in Marange, today.
Zanu-PF Manicaland chairman Tawanda Mukodza said Mnangagwa was traveling to Marange for a ground-breaking ceremony at St Noah College. Learn more