Marry Mubaiwa freedom bid in fraud case thrown out

Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga’s ex-wife Marry Mubaiwa had her application challenging further remand in a case she is accused of fraud and money laundering dismissed by a Harare magistrate, Stanford Mambanje, Monday.

Through her lawyer, Beatrice Mtetwa, Mubaiwa complained that the State was unnecessarily keeping her on remand since 2019 without trial, asking to be removed until the prosecution is ready to try her.

The State had asked for a postponement to May 11 advising that they will be ready for trial then.

Mtetwa argued that the State was clearly not ready for trial.

“We have been coming for 40 months. The court’s ruling the last time was that it was a fact that my client has been on remand for some time… you (magistrate) gave the State a last chance to provide a trial date,” she said.

Mtetwa added that it was disheartening considering that her client is of ill health and had her arm amputated after she was denied authority to seek medical attention abroad.

“During those months she has lost an arm because the State was refusing her to go get some medical treatment. I don’t see why the state is failing to provide a date. The courts are for everyone and not just the State,” she fumed.

The magistrate however dismissed her application noting that the State should be given time to prepare for the trial.

“The court believes that it is important to give room to the finalisation of the matter. I have no real reason to doubt the sincerity of the State,” he said before postponing the matter to May 11.

Mubaiwa was arrested in 2019 on allegations of having laundered about US$1 million to South Africa and China.

Her properties in South Africa including top of the range vehicles and an upmarket house were confiscated by South African authorities engaged by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption commission (ZACC) last year.

Mubaiwa allegedly used her drivers Carrington Kazingizi and Terrence Mutandwa to launder US$114 000 to China.

She also allegedly diverted US$201 848 meant for the purchase of tents and chairs and used it to purchase a personal vehicle in South Africa.

Court papers further show that she allegedly transferred US$307 545 meant for the purchase of prepaid metres and used them to purchase a house in South Africa which was registered under a company where she was the sole shareholder.

In an ongoing trial the former model is accused of attempting to kill the former army general when he was hospitalised in South Africa.

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A leaked audio has exposed a fierce dispute between businessman Phillip Chiyangwa and his son Edmund over ownership of a property.

Chiyangwa is heard shouting at his son accusing him of fraudulently changing the title deeds on his father’s property, presumably to secure a mortgage.Learn More

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