Churches get support from government

The church has welcomed the government’s commitment towards ensuring that they have decent places for them to worship, ensuring worshipping under trees will now be a thing of the past for one of the most popular churches in Manicaland Province.

This was after the government assisted St Isaiah Apostolic church to get a stand where they will build a church.

“We have opened another branch of my church here in Odzi. This has been possible due to the close relations between the church and the government as we are a member of the Faith Community Alliance. We appreciate the support from our President who has availed a stand for the church for us to worship. It has been our tradition to pray under trees as members of the Apostolic sects, but we now have a decent place. We promise that we will vote for President Mnangagwa during the upcoming national elections. We will construct our church and a learning centre for little children,” noted St Isaiah Apostolic church leader, Bishop James Seven.

Chairperson of Faith Community Alliance for ED in Manicaland Province, Reverend Togara Mapingure said, “The church had no place to worship in Odzi and we requested that they be given space to worship. This is great development as the church is strongly behind the leadership of President Mnangagwa. We are urging Apostolic sects to avoid holding church services where there are no buildings and ablution facilities. The church has accepted to move away from the past traditions where people are exposed to rain while in open spaces.”

ZANU PF Central Committee member, Cde Admire Mahachi had the pleasure of attending the church service in Odzi this Saturday.

“We are grateful that we are being given stands to give to our churches. We are being assisted to sink boreholes to assist churches and the entire community. Roads are being rehabilitated while various denominations this time around were included in the allocation of agriculture inputs. We want to thank our president for the support.”

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has on various fora emphasised the importance of good relations between government and the church in peacebuilding and national development.

Source: zbcnews

In other news- Woman survived a scary kidnapping attempt by a private motorist

A 21-year-old Bulawayo woman survived a scary kidnapping attempt by a private motorist Thursday when she seized the steering wheel of the moving vehicle and forced it into crashing stop outside the road.

The unnamed woman, police said, was forced to perform the life-saving feat some moments after the suspect, Marvellous Dube, 32, had robbed her of cash and cell phone after the rest of the passengers had dropped off at their destinations. Learn more

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