Olinda Chapel fires shots at Shadhaya

The drama between Shadaya Knight and other famous people never seem to end, Olinda Chapel has been trendng on social media after she posted a message congratulating Stunner on his birthday, the message sparked controversy with many citing that she was disrespecting her husband.

Shadhaya went further and even attacked Tytan for not being a man enough and letting things slide.

Olinda has had a perfect response to all this drama, in her latest post she said Shadhaya is a clueless human being who needs help. She even urged him to draft a business proposal so that she can assess it and try to finance him.

“Nditumre business plan paemail pangu, Ndikupe basa kwete kuswero pfeka Fake-football tshrts”

n other news – Gold Mafia: RBZ reverses its order to freeze accounts

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ)’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) yesterday made a summersault by reversing its order for banks to freeze accounts of several government officials and individuals who were implicated in gold smuggling gold and money laundering activities exposed by the Al Jazeera documentary.

In a statement yesterday, the FIU directed financial institutions to “unfreeze all assets and other financial assets” belonging to those implicated in the documentary.Learn More

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