Prophet Magaya teaches son how to perform miracles – VIDEO

Zimbabwean prophet, Walter Magaya, recently introduced his son, Walter Jr to the congregation as a man of God, he claims his son started the works of faith when he was very young. Magaya surprised many Zimbabweans after he let his son perform miracles and cast out demons in a church service on Sunday.

This significant event marks the continuation of Magaya’s legacy as the younger Magaya will be doing the works of God with his father and performing miracles alongside him.

Prophet Walter Magaya emerged as a prominent spiritual figure in Zimbabwe, gaining widespread recognition for his prophetic abilities and faith healing. His PHD (Prophetic Healing and Deliverance) Ministry Church, founded in 2012, quickly attracted a massive following due to his reputation for performing remarkable miracles and deliverance from various afflictions.

Magaya’s compassionate nature, coupled with his deep spiritual connection, enabled him to touch the lives of countless individuals seeking solace and healing.

In an emotionally charged ceremony at the PHD Ministry Church, Prophet Walter Magaya proudly introduced his son, Walter Jr., to the congregation. The younger Magaya, inspired by his father’s incredible work and compelled by his own spiritual journey, has dedicated himself to continuing the family’s divine mission. Sharing the same powerful gift of miracles, Walter Jr. steps onto the stage, ready to make his mark within the ministry and uplift the lives of those in need.


Miracles have been the cornerstone of Walter Magaya’s ministry, and now, with the addition of his son, the power to perform extraordinary acts of healing and deliverance is magnified. The duo’s joint efforts will amplify their ability to change lives, restore faith, and bring solace to the hearts of the congregation. The miracles witnessed within the walls of the PHD Ministry Church have become legendary, and the inclusion of Walter Jr. promises to take this divine intervention to new levels.

The introduction of Walter Jr. serves as an inspiration not only to the congregation but also to younger generations who aspire to embrace their spiritual gifts and follow in their parents’ footsteps. The Magayas’ story reminds us of the importance of preserving and passing on our heritage and values, instilling a sense of purpose and direction for future generations.

In other news – Barbie Brazil involved in another car crash

South African socialite and businesswoman Barbie Brazil, real name Ennie Tembie Cleary was involved in yet another car accident, Zimoja reports.

The publication revealed that Barbie Brazil who is a former Come Dine With Me South Africa was driving a rented car when the accident happened, as her pink signature SUV is still being fixed after her first car crash almost two weeks ago. Learn More

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