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Zimbabwe News

Chamisa calls President Mnangagwa a loser

Nelson Chamisa

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa says the political environment in Zimbabwe is not “normal” or conducive for the holding of elections in under two months and called his rival a “loser”.

Chamisa, who fronts the biggest opposition party in the country, is again seen as the biggest challenge to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s bid for a second term after the 2018 poll which was settled by the courts.

In a televised interview with the South African Broadcasting Corporation on Sunday this week, Chamisa pleaded with the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) to facilitate a peaceful poll.

Tensions are raising with each passing day after the Zanu-PF leader told supporters in Chipinge on Saturday that the party would not relinquish power and that it was “unstoppable”.

“Don’t you know that losers are bold even in the face of defeat, what do you want him (Mnangagwa) to say? The writing is on the wall, he has failed in all the terms, economy, look at the inflation, the level of corruption, Gold Mafia, Zimbabwe is in a difficult situation,” Chamisa responded in the interview.

“We (Zimbabwe) are a headache to South Africa, Malawi, Zambia, and Botswana. We are a headache to our neighbors. That is why we are calling Sadc to intervene.

“We are calling Sadc to support a peaceful election that is free and fair. Zimbabwe is not in a normal environment for elections. We will win against all odds.”

Chamisa alleged that the voter’s roll was being changed regularly and that as a party they were yet to receive a copy.

The opposition party has alleged intimidation by the Zanu-PF-linked affiliate Forever Associates Zimbabwe (Faz) in rural areas.

Meanwhile, CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said the party was planning to launch its campaign for the elections this week.

“This week, we look to the future with hope as we prepare to launch the biggest citizens campaign seen this side of the continent, no amount of forgery, dirty (tricks) or desperation from Zanu-PF will stop change,” Mahere said in the party’s internal Daily Digest.

She said CCC was excited with the new ways they were conducting their programs.

“You see the bulk of our candidates are new faces who will bring new ideas in Parliament, in the next few weeks you are going to see them in your communities,” she said.

“The nomination court is over and we successfully filed for 210 Parliamentary candidates and over 1 920 council candidates.”

Mahere accused the ruling Zanu-PF of trying to discourage CCC members from voting.

“There are people who are trying to discourage the citizens not to vote, they should be ignored. Advocate Nelson Chamisa has said we are the next government, let’s choose change, credibility, let’s inspire and go and vote,” she said.

In other news – Here is why Selena Gomez unfollowed Zayn Malik on Instagram

Selena Gomez, 30, seemed to do a clean sweep of who she was following on Instagram over the weekend. The singer unfollowed Zayn Malik, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Zendaya, and more, and fans took notice right away. Since she was recently romantically linked to Zayn, the move came as a bit of a shock, but a source told PEOPLE the “Wolves” crooner has no negative feelings towards the group of people she took off her following list.

“There are absolutely no hard feelings with anyone she unfollowed,” the source said. Since Selena has expressed her love/hate relationship with social media in the past, her latest move may have to do with her making her mental health a priority. In Feb., she even admitted to “crying” after reading negative comments sometimes. Read More

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