Ex-workers of Massiv Metro are reportedly still waiting for their salaries and pension funds almost three months after the online radio station closed its doors.
The employees, who asked to remain anonymous, told a local publication that they have not received communication from their former bosses.
One ex-employee said that she has not received her two months’ salary. The anonymous source said that some of them were only just volunteers who were given transport money.
“The salary was not really a salary but money for transport for us to get around, we were volunteers technically. So for the last two months, I used my own money to get to work, hoping they would pay me but they haven’t. It’s been almost three months since we left and they have still not paid me my money.”
Another former worker, who hosted one of the shows on the radio station said that they were full-time employees with pension funds.
“We have not received feedback about signing out forms to get our money. I have been living off my savings. I am still okay for now, but not for long.
These were also the sentiments of a former Massiv Metro producer, who said: “I just want my money. A lot is going on there; lawsuits and court orders. I don’t want to be part of it. I just want the one-month salary they owe me.”
Massive Metro was founded in May 2017 by Massiv Media and popular broadcaster DJ Sbu, who announced he was hanging up his mic in 2021 but will still be working in the background. The radio station closed down on 31 March 2023.
A few weeks before Massiv Metro permanently closed its doors, City Press reported that the SA Revenue Service (Sars) is looking to obtain a writ of execution to sell assets belonging to the radio station following its failure to comply with income tax regulations, leaving it with a tax bill worth R84 768.
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South African TV and radio presenter Unathi Nkayi committed a career hara-kiri when she refused to apologize to her former colleague Sizwe Dhlomo for “falsely accusing” him of hurling profanities at her in the studio of the Gauteng-based radio station last year.
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