Zimbabwe News

ZANU PF Youth leader reportedly suspended for refusing to chant ‘ED 2030’ slogan

ZANU PF youth league deputy secretary for administration, Danmore Mambondiyani, has been suspended by the party allegedly for resisting calls by some party members to push for an extension of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s term beyond 2028.

According to The NewsHawks, officially, Mambondiyani is accused of bringing to a national youth executive meeting a bag supposedly full of cash before going to the deputy secretary for youth affairs John Paradza, and secretary for youth affairs Tinotenda Machakaire to give them US$200 and US$100 respectively.

Machakaire is the Minister of Youth Empowerment, Development, and Vocational Training, while Paradza is the Environment, Climate, and Wildlife Deputy Minister.

The NewsHawks reported sources as saying the charges against Mambondiyani stem from a ZANU PF national executive meeting held on 9 May in which he refused to chant slogans in support of extending Mnangagwa’s term beyond the constitutional two-five-year term limit.

The youth national executive meeting was organized to co-opt eight members of the national executive.

The appointments include the President’s son, Deputy Finance Minister Kudakwashe Mnangagwa, who was appointed deputy secretary for external affairs.

Among other appointments are Sport, Arts, Recreation and Culture Deputy Minister Emily Jesaya who was co-opted as the deputy secretary for mines, and Charles Munganasa as deputy secretary for local government.

Munganasa a board member of the state-controlled Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), was recently appointed acting chief executive of the company.

During the meeting, Mambondiyani was asked why he had not chanted slogans promoting the extension of Mnangagwa’s term beyond 2028, as everyone else was doing.

Allegedly, Mambondiyani previously stated that Mnangagwa should cede power to his deputy, Constantino Chiwenga, once his term ends in 2028.

In a letter addressed to Mambondiyani, ZANU PF youth secretary for legal affairs Phineas Makombe wrote:

Please kindly take note that on Thursday the 9th of May 2024 during the National Executive Council of the Youth League, you exhibited conduct unbecoming of a National Executive Member. Chapter 6 Article 38 (filing vacancies) sec (554) provides conduct and manner over how co-options or vacancies shall be filed in any party structure.

However, to the contrary, you yourself Cde Mambondiyani came with a bag supposedly full of money went to the Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Cde T Machakaire opened the bag in full view of the media and the National Executive Council and gave Cde Paradza 200 United States dollars and Cde Machakaire US$100.

You further went on to chant publicly ‘Vote Cde Mambondiyani’ for a certain vacant post in the National Executive Council of the Youth League, before and during the meeting.

The above conduct in full view of the media insinuates that party vacancies or posts can be acquired through vote buying, these actions further disregard constitutional provisional stated in Chapter 6 Articles 38 sec (550) (6).

The chanting of your name by yourself during the apex meeting and in a disrespectful manner are consistent to Chapter (6) Article (38) sec (550) (9) whereas this refers to Article 37 sec 549 (8) (11).

Given the above charges, you are hereby in terms of Chapter (5) Article (36) sec (528) Prohibited to act on behalf or as the Deputy Secretary for Administration of the National Youth League Executive Council.

Kindly take note that by issue of this Prohibition Order, your matter shall be directed to the National Disciplinary Committee for further action and guidance.

A ZANU PF insider said Mambondiyani’s real crime is his opposition to the 2030 plan.

Reports claim that when Chiwenga and Mnangagwa ousted the late former president Robert Mugabe in 2017, their deal was that Mnangagwa would serve one term and leave in 2023 for Chiwenga to come in.

Mnangagwa allegedly reneged on the deal and ran for a second term in 2023, and now wants to extend his rule beyond 2028 to 2030.

However, these plans are being opposed by Chiwenga and his allies such as Mambondiyani.

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