Zimbabwe News

Counterfeit groceries flood street shops

Counterfeit grocery items have flooded Bulawayo’s informal markets, raising concern that this put the health of consumers at risk.

As reported by ZBC News, counterfeit products have filled informal shops mostly found along busy streets in high-density suburbs.

The products include dishwashing liquid, baked beans, toothpaste, and Mazoe, and are often sold at significantly lower prices compared to genuine products.

Some of the counterfeits have blurry labels, misspelled brand names, and flimsier packaging.

A Bulawayo resident who spoke to ZBC News said the products are cheaper and in some cases, it is difficult to detect that they are counterfeit. Said the consumer:

The products are cheaper compared to those in the formal shops and this makes one to prefer them. I have come across fake toothpaste. You use it and realize this is not [genuine] and what hurts is that l would have bought it and no one will refund me.

A vendor said that the products are locally available and cheaper than South African imports. The vendor said:

We buy them locally, from some people here downtown. They come here as early as five am and they tell us the products are from Harare and they are affordable compared to the same products coming from South Africa. As someone doing business, we buy the cheaper ones to have profit.

Most of our products we get them from Botswana or South Africa. We buy Mazoe from Botswana and sell it at US$3 compared to the local price and any general person will buy the cheaper one.

However, Consumer Protection Commission (CPC) Chairperson, Mthokozisi Nkosi, urged authorities to clamp down on suppliers of counterfeit products. He said:

We urge consumers to be vigilant and only buy from reputable sources. Look for genuine brand markings, check expiry dates, and if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

We also call on the responsible authorities to crack down on the production and distribution of these counterfeit goods.

Mpilo Hospital Clinical Director, Dr Solwayo Ngwenya warned that counterfeit products may have long-term health implications for the public. He said:

Some of the foodstuffs have heavy impurities such as heavy chemicals and metals and may interfere with people’s hormones and in the long term be associated with cancer.

We need collaboration between health officials, consumer protection agencies, and law enforcement to tackle this issue.

Public awareness campaigns are also crucial to educate people about the risks of foodstuffs produced in factories that are not safe and certified.

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