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Zimbabwe News

37-year-old Harare man sentenced to 20 years in jail for raping his 18-year-old biological daughter

court ruling

A 37-year-old man from Harare was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by the Harare Magistrates’ Court for raping his 18-year-old daughter.

The State proved that on 02 March 2024, the accused person collected the complainant from Epworth where she was staying with his sister.

When they got near Athlone Park, the accused person fondled the complainant’s breasts and asked the complainant to have sexual intercourse with him.

The complainant refused, reminding him that he was her biological father. The accused person tripped the complainant to the ground, tore her trousers and pantie before he raped her.

The matter was reported to the Police, leading to the arrest of the accused person.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge. He was found guilty and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

In an unrelated case, a 32-year-old man appeared before the Mutare Magistrates’ Court facing rape charges. The complainant is his 12-year-old stepdaughter.

According to National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) on 18 May 2024, the complainant and her three siblings aged 7, 5, and 3 were left in the care of the accused person when their mother went to work.

The accused person told the complainant that he wanted to pray for her since she was not going to school.

He took the complainant to the bush where he raped her once. After the act, he told the complainant that the ritual was over and they returned home.

The complainant was seen crying by her brother. Upon inquiry, the complainant told her brother that the accused person had raped her purporting to be praying for her.

The accused person was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

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