Zimbabwe News

Madzibaba VeShanduko: ‘I support Nelson Chamisa more than the party’

Opposition political activist Madzibaba VeShanduko, whose real name is Godfrey Karembera, has praised Nelson Chamisa for quitting the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) saying that the move helped in exposing “snakes” and “traitors” in opposition ranks.

In a recent interview recorded visually at his house in Mashonaland Central by Citizens Voice Network, Karembera claimed his loyalty is first to Chamisa as an individual and then to the party. He said:

The person who was chosen by the people of Zimbabwe is president Nelson Chamisa. Mnangagwa knows it. Did you see when he (Chamisa) dumped the party? All snakes and traitors were exposed.

Our leader did a very good thing by stepping out. The nation is hungry because of ZANU PF. How many minerals does this country have?

Madzibaba VeShanduko

Yet we’re struggling. The pandemic in this country is ZANU PF. It can only be cured by Nelson Chamisa.

I want Nelson Chamisa more than the party.

Karembera painted his houses blue to show his support for Chamisa’s “Blue Movement” which is being spearheaded by Gift “Ostallos” Siziba and Amos Chibaya. He said:

When I heard that Ostallos and his team were now associated with the blue movement, I quickly bought buckets of blue paint and painted my houses. If Nelson Chamisa decides to go for the red, you will find my home red again.

In January 2024, Chamisa left the CCC, a party he had helped form after it was taken over by Sengezo Tshabangu with the assistance of state institutions.

Tshabangu subsequently recalled CCC Members of Parliament and councillors aligned with Chamisa, effectively aiding ZANU PF in securing a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly.

Later, Tshabangu appointed himself as a Senator and assumed the role of Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, once again in collaboration with the State.

He is now set to receive more than US$1 million from the State under the Political Parties Finance Act.

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