Zim Celebs

Prophet Madungwe escapes eviction by paying partial rent arrears

Harare-based controversial preacher, Talent Madungwe, has avoided eviction from his rented home, at least for now, after he paid US$100 of the US$800 he owes his landlady in rental arrears.

As reported by H-Metro, Madungwe, who claims to be a prophet, received a cash donation from Jan Jam. Said Madungwe:

I want to thank Jan Jam for the donation I received towards payment of my rentals.

Zvaratidza kuti havasi vose vanondishuvira zvakaipa. (It demonstrated that not everyone harbours ill intentions toward me).

Ndabhadharawo mbichani kuna Gogo saka zvikaita ndichapedzisa. (I’ve made a partial payment toward my rental arrears to my landlady and plan to settle the remaining balance once I have the funds).

Madungwe’s landlady, Gogo Mangena told H-Metro that the preacher paid US$100. She said:

I am not sure about the amount of money he received from well-wishers, but he paid US$100 only.

Madungwe has, for the past four months, failed to pay his monthly rentals of US$200 for two rooms in Hatfield.

One of Madungwe’s neighbours said well-wishers should engage the self-styled prophet’s wife who has a daughter and is expecting.

The neighbour added that Madungwe should get a job instead of spending too much time in prayer as he ends up “blaspheming”.

The Exile Desire of All Nations founder rose to fame a few years ago after claiming he met God in heaven and had a “braai” with the Almighty.

Madungwe’s critics consider his claim of seeing God face to face as blasphemous, and they believe he is now facing divine wrath.

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