Wicknell Chivayo’s scandal divides ZANU PF

ZANU PF is reportedly divided on how to react to the scandal involving Wicknell Chivayo, an ex-convict who has been dishing out cash and expensive cars to selected people in the party.

Weeks after Chivayo appeared in public with President Emmerson Mnangagwa during several State functions, audio recordings have surfaced of the “businessman” claiming that Mnangagwa and other senior government officials were in his “pockets”.

Chivayo claimed Mnangagwa considers him a “son” and that he was using his relationship with the President to enrich himself.

He accused his erstwhile business partners Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu of creating the audio using advanced technology as part of an elaborate scheme to extort money from him.

Chivayo and the duo are reportedly fighting over the spoils of a murky US$40 million deal to supply election materials to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) in the run-up to the 2023 general elections.

The Standard reported an unnamed ZANU PF politburo member as saying top party officials have been quizzing Mnangagwa over some questionable characters that are always at State House. Said Politburo member:

The issue of concern on this whole Chivayo saga is why ZANU PF has largely remained quiet when he has dragged the party leader into the mud.

Party bigwigs have been questioning Mnangagwa over shoddy characters that are always at the State House.

That is the reason the party has not spoken about the Chivayo issue.

They are asking, ‘Who is Chivayo?’ He is not a ZANU PF member but an overzealous opportunist, who got closer to the powers that be.

Last week, the ZANU PF Youth League warned Chivayo against abusing the name of the Party and State structures for self-aggrandisement.

A senior party member said the Youth League is the mouthpiece of the party elites and Chivayo “got the message”. Said the official:

That is the reason you saw the youth league quickly intervening to fight in Mnangagwa’s corner because ZANU PF is saying it cannot intervene in that scandal.

The youth league is the mouthpiece of the party elites, and the message was delivered to Chivayo. He got it.

On Sunday, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) said it will interview Mpofu, Chimombe, and Chivayo to gather more information and gain clarity on the alleged ZEC deal.

Speaking to The Standard, Chivayo denied allegations that he was denied entry into State House last week. He said:

I have never been to the State House (last week) and I have no intentions of going there,” Chivayo told The Standard.

I am in Zimbabwe as we speak and I’m not leaving anytime soon as I have a family to look after and a church that requires my active participation.

Mpofu and Chimombe, who had entered into an agreement with South Africa-based Ren-Form CC, on February 13, 2023, to participate in ZEC tenders before Chivayo allegedly sidelined them, are demanding US$10 million in lost earnings.

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