Minister fires warning shots at Harare brothels

Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Barbara Rwodzi has expressed concern over the proliferation of unregistered brothels across Zimbabwe, particularly singling out Harare as a hotspot for these unlicensed establishments. She described these ‘quickie nests’ as detrimental to Zimbabwe’s efforts to enhance both domestic and international tourism. Minister Rwodzi issued a stern warning to such unlicensed facilities, indicating that they face imminent closure if they do not comply with regulatory standards.

In a bid to uplift the country’s hospitality sector, Minister Rwodzi called upon stakeholders to support initiatives aimed at standardizing and grading tourism facilities. This, she emphasized, is crucial for enhancing Zimbabwe’s reputation as a preferred tourism destination, especially in preparation for the upcoming SADC Summit in August.

“We are dismayed by the proliferation of facilities across the country, particularly in Harare, where apartments are being transformed into AirBnBs and brothels,” Rwodzi remarked. “These establishments not only detract from the tourist experience but also fail to deliver the services they purport to offer. They are essentially shortchanging clients, charging high fees for substandard services.”

Minister Rwodzi also criticized local hotels that misrepresent their quality through false star ratings, likening some to brothels in disguise. She urged operators in the tourism and hospitality industry to adhere strictly to established standards to ensure that tourists receive value for their money.

“Some facilities have even been placed in inappropriate locations, adjacent to public toilets. This practice must cease, particularly given the exorbitant rates charged, which amounts to daylight robbery,” Rwodzi emphasized.

Furthermore, Minister Rwodzi acknowledged the vital role of the media in shaping perceptions and promoting Zimbabwe as a safe and attractive destination. She encouraged journalists to play a positive role in showcasing the country’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.

“The media’s portrayal of our destinations influences global perceptions. Your reporting and broadcasting can inspire confidence and highlight Zimbabwe as a secure tourism haven,” Rwodzi affirmed.

This call to action was made during Minister Rwodzi’s inaugural meeting with journalists, underscoring her commitment to positioning Zimbabwe favorably in the global tourism market ahead of the SADC Summit.

In other news – Rethabile Khumalo has been admitted again

Rethabile Khumalo has returned to the hospital just days after being discharged, following a prolonged stay due to poisoning by a close friend. The news was shared by her mother, Winnie Khumalo, on social media, where she appealed for prayers for her daughter’s recovery. Rethabile had undergone multiple surgeries and treatments during her hospitalization and had only returned home five days ago.

However, her health took a turn for the worse, prompting her return to the hospital. Winnie Khumalo expressed her distress with a poignant message: “I have no words.” The announcement triggered an outpouring of empathy and prayers from followers and fans. Read More

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