Zimbabwe News

Thief caught wandering at the crime scene

A suspected thief was discovered lingering at the scene of his crime in Mhondoro Ngezi, just hours after allegedly stealing a cell phone from a local shopping complex. The incident unfolded amidst peculiar claims from villagers suggesting the premises were guarded by an enigmatic “powerful force.”

The suspect, identified as Simbarashe Chigume, reportedly stole a smartphone from the shopping complex but found himself unable to leave the premises. He was apprehended hours later while still milling around the area. Following his capture, Chigume underwent a ritualistic “cleansing exercise.”

Chigume’s case is not the first of its kind linked to the complex. Previously, another individual, a security guard from Zvimba, had allegedly stolen two doves and subsequently experienced a loss of senses until his family settled the matter by paying a cow.

According to a witness, “After a thief is caught, they undergo cleansing. Depending on the severity of the offense, the culprit has the option to pay a fine in money, livestock, or goats. In addition, a chicken is used in a ritual where the culprit holds it by the head and cuts its neck with a knife as it makes its last movements. Then, the complex owner administers a beating with a stick. The chicken is later prepared and shared among the complex owner’s acquaintances.”

The incident has stirred local interest due to its connection to perceived supernatural elements and traditional practices associated with justice and restitution in the community.

In other news – Four council officials were apprehended in connection with a $9 million tender scandal

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has apprehended four officials from the Harare City Council on allegations of improperly awarding a street lights tender valued at over US$9.2 million to Juluka Enndo Joint Venture, a company associated with businessman Moses Mpofu. Mpofu, who is already facing fraud charges, reportedly holds a stake in the company despite its failure to meet tender requirements.

The arrested individuals include Never Murerwa (62), Jabulani Mukomazi (44), Denford Zhungu (69), and Tawanda Mutenhabundo (29), all of whom were part of the tender evaluation committee for the streetlight refurbishment project. Read More

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