A Gutu High School teacher has been sentenced to three years in prison for having an intimate relationship with a form two pupil nearly daily like a married couple. Kinston Madzimure (33) of Chikwanda High School was convicted of having sexual intercourse with a minor by Gutu magistrate Edwin Marecha on Saturday. It is, however, disturbing that the Form Two girl was already cheating with two boyfriends including the teacher who is twice her age and would go on to devise a plan to elope with the teacher.
The court heard that the illicit relationship began in July this year when Madzimure invited the 15-year-old girl to his house at the school and professed his love for her. The girl, who cannot be named to protect her identity, accepted the teacher’s advances.
The matter came to light on August 2 when the girl had a misunderstanding with her grandmother and ran away from home. Instead of seeking refuge elsewhere, she made her way to Madzimure’s house. There, according to reports, she gave the teacher a movie-style kiss before entering the house.
The girl spent the next few days at the teacher’s residence, where they engaged in sexual intercourse on multiple occasions as if they were a husband and wife. The situation escalated on August 6 when a police report was filed, leading to Madzimure’s arrest.
The accused’s arrest followed an earlier incident at Hunduza Business Centre. On July 24, a commotion erupted when a young boy confronted Madzimure about his relationship with the girl. The young boy was confronted by the teacher for snatching his girlfriend and having lula lula with her. The confrontation quickly escalated into a public altercation, with a crowd gathering to verbally abuse the teacher. The girl’s disappearance on August 2 sparked a frantic search by her family and the police. Their efforts bore fruit on August 6 when she was found hiding under Madzimure’s bed during a search of teachers’ houses.
The court heard that the girl had also been involved in a relationship with the young boy from Hunduza. She was subsequently taken to Gutu Rural Hospital for a medical examination. In handing down the sentence, Magistrate Marecha expressed the court’s condemnation of such acts, describing them as a serious breach of trust. He sentenced Madzimure to three years in prison, suspending one year on the condition of good behavior. Bright Bati was prosecuted by the State.
In other news – Tragic head-on collision claims eight lives on Chivhu-Nyazura road
In a devastating accident on the evening of Sunday, eight people were killed instantly when a commuter omnibus collided head-on with a haulage truck at the 135km peg along the Chivhu-Nyazura Road, near Save Bridge.
According to National Police Spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the crash involved a Nissan Vanette carrying 11 passengers and a Shacman truck traveling in opposite directions. Read More