Zimbabwe News

Walter Magaya’s Heart group to unveil US$320,000 sponsorship for women’s football super league

Walter Magaya, founder of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries and owner of Yadah FC, is set to make a transformative impact on Zimbabwean women’s football with a substantial US$320,000 sponsorship deal. The unveiling of this sponsorship will take place tomorrow, and it marks a significant development in the efforts to boost women’s football in the country.

The sponsorship, provided by Magaya’s Heart Group, will benefit all 16 teams in the Women’s Football Super League. This funding comes at a crucial time when domestic women’s football is grappling with underfunding and neglect.

Magaya expressed his commitment to rejuvenating women’s football in Zimbabwe. “What we are trying to do is to return women’s football to its former glory. We have put together a package that we believe will help the league, and in particular, the girl child to realize her footballing dreams. They [women] have long suffered from neglect, and we feel the time has come to change all that,” he said.

He also highlighted the broader vision behind the sponsorship. “This is only the start. We have more in store for them. It’s very unfortunate that their request came this late when the league season is already halfway through. We are happy to help, and hopefully, a lot of girls are going to benefit,” Magaya added.

Magaya’s aspirations extend beyond the domestic league. He hopes to see the national team, the Mighty Warriors, qualify for major global tournaments such as the World Cup, and he expressed his support for Herentals Queens as they compete in the Women’s CAF Champions League. “I want to wish them all the best and hopefully, they will bring the trophy home. That is the level that we want to see our women at and so we are calling business people and corporates to come and partner with us. Together we can help develop and improve our girls,” Magaya said.

Zimbabwe Women’s Soccer League chairperson Theresa Maguraushe confirmed that all contractual documents have been signed, and the league will now be known as The Heart League. She emphasized the timeliness of the sponsorship, especially for clubs that have been struggling financially. “We are very excited. We have not had a sponsorship for a very long time and our teams have been struggling even to fulfill fixtures, so, this is quite huge for us,” Maguraushe said.

The unveiling ceremony will be held at Yadah Hotel in Waterfalls tomorrow evening, where various stakeholders, including sportspeople, high-ranking government officials, sports associations, and celebrities, will be in attendance. In addition to the sponsorship reveal, Magaya will celebrate the national senior men’s rugby team, the Sables, for winning the Rugby Africa Cup last month. He will also honor sprinting stars Tapiwanashe Makarawu and Makanakaishe Charamba for their historic performances at the recent Olympic Games in Paris.

The Heart Group’s generous sponsorship is poised to make a significant impact on women’s football in Zimbabwe, providing a much-needed boost to the league and setting the stage for future growth and success.

In other news – Read: Shivambu’s resignation letter to Julius Malema

In a stunning development, Floyd Shivambu has announced his resignation from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and will be joining Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe Party. The bombshell revelation came during a media briefing earlier today, marking a dramatic shift in South Africa’s political landscape.

Shivambu, who has been a key figure in the EFF since its inception in 2013, served as the party’s deputy president. His departure is a significant loss for the EFF and raises questions about the future dynamics within the party. Read More

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