Zimbabwe News

Woman accused of kidnapping and robbing husband’s alleged lover

Amanda Ngwenya, a 23-year-old woman from Sizinda suburb in Bulawayo, has appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate Joseph Mabeza, facing serious charges of robbery and kidnapping. Ngwenya, who denies the allegations, is set to return to court on August 15.

According to the prosecution, Ngwenya’s alleged crime spree began on May 31, 2024, when she reportedly lured her husband’s 17-year-old alleged lover to Bellevue Shopping Centre. The victim testified that Ngwenya, accompanied by her aunt, confronted her at the shopping center.

In her testimony, the victim described the harrowing encounter: “I received a call from Ngwenya asking me to meet her at Bellevue Shopping Centre. When I arrived, she grabbed my cellphone and accused me of being her husband’s girlfriend. Despite my denial of the accusation, she assaulted me, grabbed my hair, and threatened to beat and kill me, saying she was not afraid of anyone.”

The victim claims Ngwenya forcibly dragged her to Emganwini suburb, where she continued to assault her. Ngwenya’s brother reportedly intervened, advising her to release the victim, but Ngwenya proceeded to her home in Sizinda with the victim in tow. There, she allegedly detained the victim until the following morning.

The state’s case outlines that Ngwenya called the victim to Bellevue Shopping Centre to address the nature of the alleged relationship between the victim and Ngwenya’s husband. After seizing the victim’s cellphone, Ngwenya reportedly demanded that the victim accompany her to Emganwini. When the victim refused, Ngwenya assaulted her and forced her to go with her.

The court also heard that when they arrived at Emganwini, Ngwenya’s brother warned her to release the victim. However, Ngwenya allegedly continued with her plan and took the victim to her home in Sizinda, where she was kept until the next morning.

The victim managed to contact her sister around 11 p.m., sharing the traumatic experience. Subsequently, the incident was reported to the police, leading to Ngwenya’s arrest. Ngwenya has pleaded not guilty to the charges of robbery and kidnapping. Her case will continue on August 15, where further legal proceedings will determine the outcome of these serious allegations.

In other news – Zimbabwean woman in the US convicted of $1.2 million romance scam

Sherlyn Sims, a Zimbabwean national residing in the United States and known by the alias “Sherlyn Dzinzi,” has been found guilty of conspiring to launder proceeds from extensive romance fraud and business email compromise schemes. The jury delivered the verdict on Tuesday following a five-day trial, marking a significant conclusion to a high-profile case of financial deceit.

According to the charges and the evidence presented during the trial, Sims and her co-defendants engaged in a sophisticated scheme to launder over US$1.2 million through a series of fraudulent activities. Read More

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