Zim Celebs

Hwindi President appeals for help after ZIMRA confiscates his car

Zimdancehall musician Hwindi President is reeling from heartbreak after the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) confiscated his car as part of a sweeping crackdown on vehicles operating without compliance. This operation, conducted in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), has led to the impounding of numerous vehicles, leaving many citizens, including the beloved artist, feeling vulnerable and distressed.

The crackdown commenced on October 16 and is set to continue until December 20, 2024. ZIMRA has been actively setting up roadblocks at various locations, including Borrowdale Road, Armadale Road, Second Street Extension, and Churchill Road, to enforce customs laws. This initiative has resulted in ZIMRA seizing vehicles from drivers deemed non-compliant, regardless of their circumstances or intentions.

Hwindi President


Hwindi President took to social media to express his anguish and desperation over the loss of his vehicle. In a heartfelt post, he pleaded for understanding and forgiveness from ZIMRA, stating, “Guys, ndibatsireiwo kukumbira ruregerero kuZIMRA guys ndapererwa wo” (Please help me ask for forgiveness from ZIMRA; I am lost). He explained that he believed he would only face a fine for his alleged infractions, not the outright confiscation of his car.

The artist revealed that he had recently faced a series of challenges, including the loss of his home, which had added to his sense of despair. “Last of last months ndakapazirwa imba” (Last month, I lost my house), he lamented. His emotional plea continued, reflecting the frustration of many Zimbabweans who find themselves at the mercy of government regulations. “Guys mota handing kuiba iyi ndakaitengawo” (I didn’t steal this car; I bought it legally), he stressed, emphasizing that he possesses all necessary paperwork for his vehicle.

His online outcry resonated with many fans and followers, who expressed their sympathy for the musician’s plight. The comments section is flooded with messages of support, showcasing a community that understands the difficulties many face in navigating the country’s complex regulatory environment. Some fans suggested that the artist should engage in discussions with ZIMRA to seek a resolution, while others offered words of encouragement in this trying time.

Hwindi President

The operation by ZIMRA has ignited widespread debate about the authority’s tactics and the impact of such enforcement measures on ordinary citizens. Many feel that while it is essential to uphold tax and customs regulations, the approach taken can often feel heavy-handed and disproportionately punitive. The visibility of this operation, coupled with the stories of individuals like Hwindi President, has sparked conversations about the need for more humane enforcement practices.

Hwindi President’s experience serves as a poignant reminder of the broader challenges faced by Zimbabweans in their daily lives. The struggles against bureaucracy, economic hardship, and the complexities of compliance with government regulations are not new, but they continue to take a toll on the spirits of many. His heartfelt plea reflects a yearning for understanding and compassion in a system that can often seem unforgiving.

Hwindi President

As the crackdown continues, many will be watching closely to see how ZIMRA balances its enforcement efforts with the realities faced by citizens. For the Hwindi President, the hope remains that his situation can be resolved amicably, allowing him to reclaim his vehicle and regain a sense of stability in his life. In the meantime, his supporters rally around him, reminding him that he is not alone in his struggles and that the community stands with him during this challenging period.

The ongoing operation highlights the need for dialogue between authorities and the public, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing the concerns of everyday Zimbabweans in their pursuit of compliance and survival.

In other news – Zimparks ranger arrested for lion poaching in Hwange National Park

In a shocking turn of events, a ranger from the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority has been arrested in connection with the poaching of three lions in Hwange National Park. The carcasses of the lions were discovered headless and without paws, raising serious concerns about wildlife conservation in the region. Hali Mabuya, 39, who was stationed at Mtshibi Camp within the park, faces grave accusations as authorities investigate his involvement in this heinous act.

Mabuya was apprehended after being found in possession of a .458-caliber service rifle and 52 rounds of ammunition. Notably, 30 of these rounds were reportedly not issued to him by his employer, indicating a possible breach of protocol and misuse of state resources. Read More

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