The ordinary session of the ZANU PF Politburo held this Thursday completed the evaluation of Harare and Bulawayo primary election outcomes while other areas are yet to be looked into.
The Politburo has also resolved to look into areas where violence was reported with the possibility of re-runs.
The Politburo session comes after the revolutionary party’s primary elections with the results going through meticulous verification and evaluation.
ZANU PF spokesperson, Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa announced the outcome of the meeting with a hard stance being taken against those caught on the wrong side of the ethos that define the party.
“If there were instances of violence in any particular constituency or ward, the President took a very strong hard line. He is on record saying no to violence and he was very clear that charity begins at home. And if there were instances of violence, which were carried out by either of the candidates or both candidates in a particular constituency, one stood to be disqualified if the information was available, and if the violence was mutual then there will be re-runs or they will be disqualifications,” he said.
The ruling party has also stopped announcing primary election results until the verification and evaluation process is complete.
“We feel that the primary elections should satisfy the issue of discipline, the issue of inclusiveness, the issue of comradeship. We want to become one family. This is an important exercise, and we take it very seriously. The results are all in now, they have come from various provinces including Masvingo and Midlands, which took a little bit longer because of logistical issues. Our main interest being to make sure that the eager party members, who were keen to cast their votes for the ZANU PF primaries were given a chance.
“At the end of the day, we want to catch as many a voter as possible because it is a reflection of the membership of the party,” he said.
He said the number of candidates was very high, as was the diversity of the contestants and the active participation of youths.
“It clearly showed that the message of hope is reaching the younger generation. We are moving from apathy with national politics to active engagement with national politics. People are seeing that if they get into politics they can make a difference, that’s why there were so many candidates from various walks of life, the older and the young generations.”
The ruling party’s ordinary session noted that the evaluation of the other areas will be done next week.
Source: ZBC
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