A cholera-confirmed death from Bikita District in Masvingo Province and three suspected Mozambican nationals in Mbire District in Mash Central Province were recorded in Zimbabwe over the past 24 hours.
According to the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) Daily Cholera Situation Report, Results for suspected deaths are pending.
15 new suspected cholera cases and 4 laboratory-confirmed cases were reported today. These were reported by Mbire (10), Chimanimani (3), and Beitbridge (2). As of 20 March 2023, 7 cases are hospitalized. These are admitted at: Beitbridge District Hospital CTC (3) in Mat South Province, Bikita District Hospital CTC (1) in Masvingo Province, Thorngrove Hospital (1), Bulawayo, Chimanimani District (1) in Manicaland Province, and Chidodo clinic (1) (CTC) Mbiri District Mashonaland Central Province.”
Six new recoveries were recorded indicating a 91 percent National Recovery Rate and cases in–care are currently standing at seven. As at March, 20, 2023, Zimbabwe had recorded 173 suspected cholera cases, 21 confirmed cases, 157 recoveries & 5 Death.
The 17 cholera hotspot districts in the country are Buhera, Chegutu, Chikomba, Chimanimani, Chipinge, Chitungwiza, Chiredzi, Harare, Gokwe North, Marondera, Mazowe, Shamva, Mutare, Murehwa, Mwenezi, Seke and Wedza.
The first cholera outbreak in the country in 2023 started on the 12th of February 2023 in Chegutu town, Mashonaland West Province. To date cases have been reported in 6 provinces of the country since the beginning of 2023, with cases in the 6 provinces having no epidemiological link to each other.
Source: Health Times
In other news – Zimbabwe tollgate fees go up
The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) has increased toll gate fees in local currency, effective today 20 March.
Zinara on Friday issued a statement notifying motorists of the imminent toll fees hike.Learn More