CCC leader Mr Nelson Chamisa’s hounds have ferociously turned on one of their party’s biggest apologists, Hopewell Chin’ono, in a nasty fight that is threatening to rip apart the political outfit.
Mr Chin’ono, a journalist turned opposition activist who has made a career out of criticising Government and the ruling Zanu-PF party, appears to have stirred a hornet’s nest after launching a scathing attack on Mr Chamisa, the CCC party and its senior leadership.
Posting on his microblogging social media Twitter handle yesterday, Mr Chin’ono made a slew of allegations against the CCC, including labelling it weak and accusing the top leadership of having abandoned its interim vice chairperson Job Sikhala and family.
This follows Sikhala’s own stinging allegations of betrayal and abandonment by his erstwhile colleagues in the opposition.
This has since divided the opposition camp with some siding with Mr Chin’ono, while others are accusing him of washing the party’s dirty linen in public.
The nasty fight started when CCC member Mr Makomborero Haruzivishe referred to Mr Chin’ono as a dog.
“Lol ambassador Shabba gone rogue again. A dog that forgets it’s mandate in society is problematic. Instead of barking thieves away Shabba is busy biting the victims of robbery.
“If it’s whiskey then Shabba must self quarantine till sober. Imi muchinyanya, munopirei imbwa doro,” he wrote on Twitter.
In response, Mr Chin’ono said: “Calling me a dog with the blessing of your leadership is what makes CCC unattractive to many who chose to keep quiet and watch you tear your party into pieces!
“I have never been CCC & I will never be part of a ZANUPF B which insults and calls people Dogs! Good luck with 2023,” reads one of the tweets.
Mr Chin’ono also accused CCC of abandoning Sikhala.
“Nonsense! Your party has failed to even help @JobSikhala1 who is rotting in prison. His family starves and have to live through well wishers.
“His kids fees has not been paid, and you come here on Twitter to grandstand, posting useless messages. You deceive the foolish not me!” he said.
Mr Chamisa has in the past been accused of failing to rein in his cultist supporters who include a host of current and former student union leaders and activists.
This has alienated him from senior members of the party who feel sidelined by the young turks.
Apparently, after feeling the heat, Mr Chamisa also weighed in on the ongoing feud.
“Weak people criticize others. Strong people criticize themselves and give ideas and solutions. Let’s all be strong people. Stronger together,” in a Twitter post that some said is a subtle dig at Mr Chin’ono.
Mr Chamisa received serious backlash from several people advising him to take constructive criticism instead of behaving like a demigod.
“This will be used to call ‘someone’ weak. Criticism isn’t a sign of weakness president, most people who criticise actually care.
“Pointing out what needs fixing (criticising), even without supplying the solutions must be welcomed by CCC. Strong organisations learn from bad reviews,” said one @Lillynyoni.
Another user @ppungwe also agreed 100 percent with @Lillynyoni.
“There is a lot to learn when issues are aired and addressed! A lot of growth & positive character building can be attributed to constructive criticism! It’s hard to hear but very much needed input in every organisation, place and individuals too.”
Source – The Herald
In other news – Chamisa urges CCC members to stop attacking each other on social media
Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has urged journalist and government critic Hopewell Chin’ono and party activists to desist from verbally attacking each other on social media platforms.
Chin’ono clashed with some CCC activists on Twitter including Makomborero Haruzivishe after he said the opposition party was “dead as a Dodo”.Learn More