Two boys who died after an electric bike crash that sparked a riot suffered head injuries, a coroner has been told.
Kyrees Sullivan, 16, and his friend Harvey Evans, 15, died on Snowden Road, Ely, in Cardiff shortly after 18:00 BST on 22 May.
They were found by a member of the public, Pontypridd Coroners Court heard.
Their deaths led to a riot, with cars set alight and police officers attacked.
The boys were seen riding an electric bike on the road, coroner Patricia Morgan was told.
“A short time later, both were found by a member of the public having come off the bike,” the inquest into their deaths heard.
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Post mortem examinations found the provisional cause of death for Kyrees to be “blunt injury to the head,” while Harvey died as a result of “blunt injury to the head and trunk”.
The coroner said the deaths were “violent or unnatural” and an inquest was required, but adjourned for an ongoing police investigation to be concluded.Nine people were arrested for allegedly taking part in the riot.
One of the boys’ aunts said police are to blame for the crash.
“They were two children who were chased to their death by South Wales Police,” said Hayley Murphy, aunt of Harvey.
Police admitted officers had been following the boys before the crash, but said only the bike was involved in the fatal incident.
CCTV from minutes before the crash showed a police van driving at a distance behind the two boys, but the force said its nearest vehicle was half a mile away when the bike crashed.
Source: bbc
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