Zim Celebs

Olinda Chapel reveals she was recently involved in a car accident

Socialite and businesswoman Olinda Chapel revealed that she was involved in an accident last month and has revealed the name of the person who caused it. The car collision occurred in the United Kingdom, where she stays.

“August yanga ine mamhepo 😂😂😂
Anyway iwe Ravhu dzokera kun’anga yako
mupuhwe refund. Insurance yakangotenga nyowani apo ndichiri mupenyu. Kana vanga one.
Heeeee mota yakatorwa nezvi kwereti heeeee what what
Dzungu ! Anyway rega ndimboisa heating yemu Range Rover kwatonhora🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣”

Olinda's car

Olinda revealed the sad news on her Facebook page. she said that the accident happened in August. She also alleged that the traffic mishap was caused by her erstwhile enemy, Rutendo Loveness Reid. Olinda and Loveness have a nasty relationship and always attack each other, even on Facebook.

Olinda's car1

Olinda Chapel also shared images of the accident on her page. A white car air conditioning service van smashed her white Mercedes-Benz sedan on the left side.

In other news –   Wicknell Chivayo calls Tendai Biti a foolish guy

Controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo has lashed out at former Finance Minister Tendai Biti saying he is a “foolish guy” and accused him of sending Zimbabwe into hyperinflation during the government of National Unity (GNU) between 2009 and 2013.

In a video circulating on social media, Chivayo seemingly accuses Biti of failing to manage the financial situation in the country leading to the printing of big notes of ZWL1 trillion, the hallmark of the financial crisis. Read More

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