Two suspected fraudsters have been arrested on allegations of defrauding Zimdancehall producer Shelton Masiwa popularly known as Sunshine of $2 100 in a botched money exchange deal.
Allegations are that on April 3 in Belvedere West, Harare, Masiwa wanted United States Dollars and he engaged Munyaradzi Dera (33) who is known to him.
According to State Papers Dera told Masiwa to deposit/transfer $3 410 000 into a First Capital Bank account 19901860205 in the name of Trymore Mlambo in exchange of US$2 100 according to the rate of exchange they had agreed on. The complainant was to receive his US$2 100 within an hour from the time the transfer sailed through.
It is alleged that Masiwa obliged and did his part of the transaction and furnished Dera with the proof of transfer of $3 410 000 into his intended account.
Since the time the transaction sailed through and Masiwa began following up on his money, Dera started evading and avoiding him in all forms of communication until the time he was arrested after a tip off.
When Dera was arrested he implicated Brighton Chinyemba (43) as the source of the First Capital Bank account number he had given to complainant and into which the money was transferred.
Sunshine took to social media to explain how his money was stolen.
“Hama dzangu muno muzimbabwe mukuitwa huwori husingaite ,Ndakabirwa mari ndini vanhu vangu vakatoenda mukati Apa vanhu ava vaitove pamusoro vatori maofficers vakatondibira zviripachena ,1 wacho ndandane 3 years ndichitozivana naye ndokubva ati ane USD so ndikati Rega ndikusendere rtgs kuti undipe maUSA ,then munhu uyu after 30 mns kwakuti ahekerwa line rake bvaakwanisa kuvhurisa line remunhu arikuchiredzi ndokubva awana access kufon yemuridzi ndopaakuti Inini ndopandakasenderwa detail rekuisa mari ipapo ndomabirwo avakandiudza,ndakanomhan’ara kupolice vakatorwa vachinzi zvamukutaura hazviitike,vagara 2 days vachifanha kuenda kucourt nhasi ndichisvika vanzi huyai kuno vasungwa ndokubva vanotaura paside nevakuru vavavachitaura navo ndokuzoshedzwawo Inini ndichipindamo ndakutonzi wakaita zvisiri pamutemo kuchinja mari kune munhu uyu waunozivana naye saka hapana nyaya dzokerai henyu kumba ,I dnt want to lie Munyika muno maitiro atirikuita haana kwaanotisvitsa senyika,ungati munhu avharwa mari wakutomuti unemhosva ummm hama dzadiwa ndarwadziwa hangu,nyika ino yakutotyisa nekuda kwevanhu vanozivana nevakuru vedzimhosva 😔Mount Zion Records”
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