Drama in court as protesters faint after sentencing

There was drama at the Gweru courts when two of five suspected MDC hooligans fainted after being jailed for three years for public violence.

The two failed to come to terms with their sentence. Prison officers had a torrid time in resuscitating the convicts, who only regained consciousness after a while.

The five Previous Mutsetse (36), Tawanda Mupfumi (24), Talent Mlambo (29), Tichaona Mupfumi (22) and Bright Ngwarai (23) all of Gweru, were convicted by Gweru regional magistrate Mrs Phatekhile Msipa after a long trial.

Mrs Msipa initially sentenced them to five years in prison, before setting aside two years on condition of good behaviour.

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Source: MbareTimescom

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