The anticipated Moses Kotane Arts Festival was cancelled on the day of the event, leaving those who were hoping to attend disappointed.
A video of the man behind the festival, Molemo Maarohanye, well-known as Jub Jub, insulting the Moses Kotane Local Municipality has been making the rounds on social media.
The rapper is heard swearing at the municipality.
He accused it of cancelling the festival while he assured the public that the festival will go on.
The municipality held a meeting with Jub Jub in October saying it was in support of the intention to create opportunities for local young people.
However, local artists raised their grievances as the festival excluded them.
The festival was set to take place at Moruleng Stadium from 3 to 4 December. Two days before the event the municipality announced its non-participation in the festival.
The municipality’s communication manager, Berlina Lekgethwane, said the municipality regrets that it will be unable to participate despite the proposal’s apparent potential to boost tourism, support local small and medium-sized enterprises in the neighbourhood and utilise local skills in the success of events management generally.
“The municipality, just like it has supported various past events with rendering its services, will do so to promote the safety of local communities.”
In a statement, the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela Traditional Administration said its leadership was disappointed to have to come to the decision to withdraw the venue.
It said the Royal family had offered the stadium for the festival, hoping it will bring social cohesion and necessary proceeds to the economy.
“We have noticed that certain logistics arrangements were not met and that brought concerns. We hope planning and other logistical arrangements will be dealt with properly in the near future,” said the royal family.
Source: News365.co.za
In other news – Photo: Black Coffee under fire for fumbling Enhle Mbali
A social media user has set tongues wagging after claiming that DJ Black Coffee “fumbled” his estranged wife actress Enhle Mbali via a tweet on Saturday 3 December.
A Twitter post by @bokoromonio has gone viral on Twitter as the Tweep claimed that Black Coffee “fumbled” his estranged wife Enhle Mbali. The Tweep pointed out that Enhle is beautiful. Take a look…“Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa is beautiful. Black Coffee fumbled here ❤️😭,” wrote @bokoromonio. Learn More