A woman who was queuing at a bank in the city center nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt something hard and slimy sliding up and down her back.
To her horror, when she turned to check, she allegedly saw a red-eyed man furiously rubbing his “fully cocked AK-47” against her buttocks. The 21-year-old woman cannot be named for ethical reasons.
The incident, which police confirmed, occurred at a bank situated at Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Street and 9th Avenue last Saturday.
While the woman was queuing for cash she felt something strange rubbing against her bums and she cringed.
Upon checking, she saw Tedious Muchavheruka (38) who resides at Makokoba suburb in Bulawayo standing behind her making sexual movements on her.
A witness said Muchavheruka was wearing a condom, panting and had a glazed look in his eyes.
“The woman said she felt something strange in her private parts at the same time she felt as if she was falling into a trance.
“Upon checking behind her stood a man who looked as if he was having real sex with her as he was panting and was holding his “angry” manhood in his hands,” said the witness.
Seeing that he had been caught in action he tried to shove his trouser-snake back into its natural habitat but it was too late.
“The woman charged at him and he fled. There was a collective gasp from people in the queue and they stood in shock as improbable scene unfolded,” said another bystander.
The bystander added:
“The woman reported the incident to the police. After about 30 minutes the man returned and he was arrested.”
Witnesses said a heated debate ensued among the people in the queue with some saying the man was using umubobobo – supernatural sex without physical contact – while others maintained Muchavheruka was simply masturbating.
He appeared before Tredgold magistrate Max Sibanda facing indecent assault charges. He was remanded out of custody to Wednesday next week on $30 000 bail on condition that he reside at the address he gave at the court.
He was ordered not to interfere with State witnesses or the complainant until the matter is finalised. He was also ordered to report at Mzilikazi Police Station on Mondays between 6AM and 6PM.
In other news – 2 dead after AFZ trainer aircraft crashes in Gweru
An Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) SF260 trainer aircraft, crashed in the Mlezu College general area near Gweru, killing two pilots onboard. The aircraft was on a routine training sortie when it hit a power line and crashed, killing the two pilots.
AFZ said the names of the deceased will be released after they’re next of kin have been notified. In a message after the accident, Commander AFZ, Air Marshal Elson Moyo, said:Learn More