In a shocking incident, a 22-year-old Bindura man force-marched a 90-year-old grandmother into her bedroom before raping her.
The matter came to light at Bindura magistrates courts yesterday where Silent Muchofiya was convicted by regional magistrate Shingirai Mutiro.
Mutiro slapped Muchofiya with 18 years behind bars.
The magistrate conditionally suspended four years. In his plea of guilty, he told the magistrate that he was told by a traditional healer to sleep with an old woman for him to get riches.
Prosecutor Sheila Kudzai Maribha told the court that on April 18 the convict arrived at the old woman’s place of residence and introduced himself as the nephew of the owner of the house.
He demanded food and was told to go and get in the kitchen, he went and collected the food but did not eat it. He entered in all the rooms including the complainant’s bedroom before confirming her bed. Muchofiya asked for an axe but was not given and he told the complainant that he was going to buy drinks.
He went away and came back without drinks and found the complainant seated outside. He closed her eyes claiming that he was holding a knife and would stab her if she makes noise. He force marched her in her room and raped her before fleeing the place in a pair of short.
He left the granny crying and when her daughter came back she asked why she was crying and she told her about the rape. The daughter informed neighbours who told her that they saw the convict leaving their house. A police report was filed leading to the arrest of Muchofiya.
Source: Bulawayo24
In other news – Popular Harare nightclub bouncer commits suicide
A popular Harare nightclub bouncer, Dennis Munyikwa, has died after allegedly sli_tting his own throat with a knife at his mother’s house in Warren Park 1 on Thursday afternoon.
According to Zimlive, Munyikwa took his own life following a botched deal involving thousands of US dollars. The details of the deal are not clear, but sources say he was involved in some illegal activities and owed money to some people. Learn More