Zebra Kiss has been involved in another accident on its way from Johannesburg. This accident happened in Mutare at Mutare teachers college.
No reports of deaths have been reported and it is still unclear about casualties.
The Zimbabwe Republic Police implores bus operators to reign in their drivers to ensure that they abide by road rules and regulations.
Operators have a vicarious responsibility to control their drivers and ensure that drivers are not dragged into dangerous and reckless highway races with other buses for passengers.
Drivers are licensed to protect lives on the roads and set good conduct in terms of road safety.
Source: H263
In other news – Paradzai Mesi finally breaks silence
Alcohol addiction has affected the ordinary and famous alike with devastating consequences for several entertainers worldwide. Local celebrities are not immune to the scourge; with promising Sungura musician Paradzai Mesi admitting that the love of the beer bottle has turned his life upside down.
Paradzai Mesi might be known for being a talented sungura musician behind hits such as “Tiri Huruva” and “Masimba Towedzera”, but the musician has also risen to notoriety for alcohol abuse, a habit that has negatively affected his career.Learn More