Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa Forward in Faith Founder Apostle Ezekiel Guti who became a centenarian this Friday, says discipline, faith, and taking good care of the body are the secret to longevity.
Becoming a centenarian is a remarkable feat and even more astonishing when one can still walk and jog while also ministering the word of God.
Such is the living tale of one of the country’s iconic men of cloth Apostle Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti, who turned 100 this Friday, marking the century through walkathon and aerobics.
At one hundred, he still has the humor and the ZBC News crew tapped into his secret for longevity, discipline, and prayer combined with physical exercises.
“I am still walking and still serving, preaching – that’s the secret and exercising. I’m happy to encourage people to fear God and to exercise. At 100, I should be sitting on a chair for a long,” he said.
Alongside his wife Eunor, they have preached across five continents.
“It has not been easy to be at this stage. God has strengthened him to affect the five continents and equip them to be better people in society. His selfless contribution is in soul-winning for Christ. At 100 we have witnessed his grace.”
Apostle Guti’s influence has been felt across generations and beyond the country’s geographical boundaries.
Paul Arthurs who pastors ZAOGA’s Forward In Faith in Chicago, USA, said, “I first met him in the US when I was 15 and I can tell you the respect he commands there is enormous given the number of referrals we get about him.”
Since 1960, through his ministry which abroad is known as Forward in Faith, Apostle Guti has served in 575 administrative provinces and 164 nations where the church is established.
He is 100 and believes by grace he can proceed with more years of serving and impacting lives.
Source: ZBC
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A video of a couple having sex in the car has taken Zimbabwe by storm. The video, which was taken in the dark, shows the couple getting frisky at the back of an SUV car with registration number AEV6482.
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