Cyan Boujee deactivates her Instagram account after her s*x tape got leaked earlier this week. The tape went viral on social media and it garnered lots of attention which catapulted her to the top of trend lists.
Cyan went about her normal life as seen on her Instagram account, but she later pinned Prince Kaybee as the person who leaked the tape.
The DJ snubbed the accusation despite being called out by Twitter users; rather, he focused on promoting his music and having other forms of conversation with his followers. Boujee’s management confirmed that the influencer is traumatized by the incident.
“I spoke to her earlier and she has not decided yet if she will be opening a case,” her manager Goitsemang Rakgatlha said.
“She could not even talk to me properly because she was emotional, so I told her to stay away from social media.”
“I told her to take some time out first because she was not in a good state. She will inform us later on in the day if she will be able to handle the booking,” he added.
However, searching for Cyan Boujee’s account on Instagram has proved futile, hence it is believed that she has taken some time off social media.
In other news – Actor David Rees needs more donations for medical bills
7de Laan actor, David Rees is out of ICU but in CCU, which is high care. The star reportedly suffered a devastating heart attack and he’s been struggling to survive while his family seeks funds for medical bills.
It is revealed that supporters have been able to garner a total of R79,000, but more donation is still needed. The handler of his Instagram account has been giving updates about David’s health. Read More