Zimbabweans react to this video of a Man Allegedly Robbed In Broad Daylight At Gunpoint In Southerton Harare. From the video, the victim was driving along the Southerton industrial area when he slowed down at an intersection because two other vehicles were coming his way.
Two men were lying in wait, and the said vehicles seemed to be the robbers’ accomplices. The first car was a black Honda Fit with a Botswana registration plate B576 6R8, and the other was a white VW with the registration plate AFL 3693.
In other news – Mambo Dhuterere sets the record straight about his Marriage
Mambo Dhuterere has been trending on social media and all sorts drama and he is setting the record straight about his Marriage.
Hatina zvatingakuitewo kana muchi believer nyaya dzisina kana evidenceisu tichiri pamwe kuno.. pa carwash pajekerere pogoita noise madam, girlfriend na mambo poshaya anotorawo video?.. anouya ne evidence ye fight pa carwash, yekuti madam is in Botswana now or takaparadzana, any lady ane mwana we public DNA or humbowo hwe affair with any of vakadzi vakupostwa avo ndomupa mota iri worth 20K. Read more