Zim Celebs

Sir Wicknell reacts to Nicholas Zakaria’s viral video – ‘You don’t tell me what to do with my money’

A recent video featuring Sungura legend Nicholas Zakaria and his associate, Madzibaba Petroj, discussing the repair of Zakaria’s car has sparked a debate involving businessman Wicknell Chivayo. In the footage, Madzibaba Petroj emphasized the importance of Zakaria having a reliable vehicle, considering his significant contribution to the music industry.

The video prompted varied reactions on social media, with some suggesting that Chivayo should also consider gifting Zakaria a new car. However, Chivayo responded differently, taking to social media to criticize Zakaria. In his post, Chivayo, addressing Zakaria as an elder, suggested that Zakaria should seek assistance more politely and be understanding. He emphasized that his financial gestures towards artists are his own choice and not owed to anyone.

Sir Wicknell

“MUNHU MUKURU anongoti makadii va Chivayo ndinotenda ne basa rakanaka ramuri kuita ku masowe ne ku vaimbi chikumbiro changu chinoti kana zvikaza tambanuka kumberi uko mundi yeukewo ndini wenyu Madzibaba Nicholas Zachariah WOPEDZA… Zvino manhe apa zvakuita kunge pane mhosva kana kuti pane demand yekuti vano fanira kufamba ne POMBI…Garai makaziva kuti I DON’T OWE ANYONE ANYTHING uye munhu ane mari yake anoita zvaanoda nayo uye haaudzirwe…Kusvika mamudzdziisa kuishanda hamukwanise kumu udza mashandisirwo ayo…MAONERE ANGU CHETE HANDISI KURWA…🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️,” reads his post.

However, Nicholas Zakaria responded to the issue on social media. In a post, he expressed his wish for the Almighty to protect Chivayo for his benevolent actions. Zakaria clarified that he was simply advertising his partner’s garage and that people had misinterpreted the message as him seeking personal gain. He emphasized that his intention was solely to promote his business.

Here reads his Post:

“A letter to Sir Wicknell

Chivimbo changu kuti makachengetwa huye Mwari arikuramba achiropafadza nehupenyu nezvose zvamungadai muri munoshuwira.

Ndangoti ndikwanisewo nepandigona kuti nditaurewo about the video circulating on social media.

As you can see in that video ndaivawo pagarage kuti ndigadzirisewo motokari yebasa. Semwana weZimbabwe zvakakoshawo kuti ndivepowo pakubatsira hama neshamwari paku Advertiser mabasa avanoita. In that video ndakabvuma kuvemo nechinangwa chekuti ndine shunguwo yekuti garage rehama yangu yepedyo iziikanwe. Kwandiri it was more of an advert tichitiwo kana yazoita toonesa ruzhinji kuti kana maitawo matambudziko munokwanisawo kuuyawo mogadzirisa pano.

Zvichida message yakasvika kwamuri nenzira isiriyo. Tinoti dai matiregererawo. Handipo pakutongera vapfumi kuti dai madai dai madai. Ndingatowanikwa pakukunamatirai murambe muchipa mablessings kuvana ve Zimbabwe zvishuwo zvavo zvizadziswe.

. Ndinoziva chaizvo kuti there are millions of Zimbabweans who wish me well pakurarama .
I have come across so many comments and posts anoti dai maitirawo VaZakaria chakadai nechakadai, that alone gives me joy nekuti ndinoziva kuti ndine chandinogonerawo vekwangu.

Dai Mwari atichengeta nemuzita ravo nekusingaperi

Thank You


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