A form 1 student at Waverly High School in Kadoma, who was among those diagnosed with cholera over the weekend, has died.
Faith Musindo, of 1619 Waverly, is said to have succumbed to cholera on Monday afternoon.
At least 26 students from the school were infected with cholera at the weekend.
Reports said most of the affected students were taken to the Ingezi Cholera Treatment Centre.
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education communications director, Taungana Ndoro, told H-Metro:
“While I cannot confirm the situation for you at the moment, in situations involving health emergencies or outbreaks in schools, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education works closely with the Ministry of Health and Child Care, and other relevant health authorities, to address the issue.
“Typically, our MoPSE takes necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of pupils and staff members using standard guidelines.”
Kadoma Town Council Ward 11 Councillor, Michael Mabwe, said:
“Our house at Waverley is on fire. We have 26 students from Waverley High School diagnosed as having contracted cholera.
“Let’s be vigilant as residents. Practise extreme hygiene. I will share with you the hotline number to use.”
Waverly High falls under his ward.