Zimbabwe News

ZANU PF now eating it’s own children – Tendai Biti on Neville Mutsvangwa’s arrest

Opposition politician Tendai Biti says the arrest of ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa’s son, Neville, shows that something is wrong within the ruling party.

Neville was last week arrested for allegedly illegally dealing in foreign currency and using Starlink internet services.

In an interview with NewsDay on Sunday, Biti said Neville’s arrest was a manifestation of political differences in ZANU PF and the weaponization of the law. He said:

The rule of law has always been abused and weaponized. The arrest of a Cabinet minister’s son clearly shows that something is wrong in ZANU PF.

The system is now eating its own children because of political differences and we have always said the law should not be weaponised against political opponents.

The law in the country has been privatized and is owned by some people.

Neville’s mother, Monica, is the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development.

Biti said Mutsvangwa should not complain over his son’s arrest as he is part of the ZANU PF system.

NewsDay reported a ZANU PF source as saying Mutsvangwa risked being stripped of his position in ZANU PF. Said the source:

The Mutsvangwas both Monica and Christopher have been ungovernable and they are suffering the consequences very soon Christopher will be stripped of his ZANU PF spokesperson position. Christopher Mutsvangwa should realize that he is no longer wanted and has been used.

Human rights lawyer Passmore Nyakureba, who is representing some of the illegal foreign currency traders who were arrested last month told NewsDay that there should be no selective application of law.

He stated that Neville’sarrest is what ordinary people have been going through. He said:

The courts are treating him in the same manner they are treating other illegal foreign currency traders. There is nothing special about him.

It would be a selective application of the law to release one person because he is the son of a Cabinet minister.

The law does not operate like that. Neville’s arrest is what ordinary persons have been going through.

Political analyst Tendai Ruben Mbofana said “Neville’s arrest is just the tip of the iceberg” and suggested that there was deep factionalism in ZANU PF.

Neville and his co-accused Ellis Majachani and Simbarashe Tichingana appeared before Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi on Friday, 10 May. Their bail hearing was pushed to Monday, 13 May.

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