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Zimbabwe News

Foul play suspected in soldier’s death


A member of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) died at United Bulawayo Hospitals on Tuesday, where he was admitted after he was stabbed in the back.

The family of ZNA warrant officer class 2, Louice Dube, suspect his girlfriend murdered him.

However, the official version of his death is that he committed suicide.

Louice’s uncle, Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube, told NewsDay that the family suspected foul play. He said:

He died on Tuesday and had a stab wound on his back. His girlfriend, who is also a sergeant soldier, claimed he stabbed himself and she is the one who pulled the knife out.

How would one stab himself in the back? I have told the family not to bury him until investigations are complete.

Dube claimed the couple had misunderstandings.

ZNA spokesperson Colonel Alphios Makotore also confirmed the death, adding that the matter was under investigation. He said:

The cause of death has not yet been established and investigations are in progress. This means the case is still sub judice since the police are carrying out investigations.

No comment could be obtained from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) on the state of the investigations.

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