Zimbabwe News

Couple’s dispute leads to baby’s death

In a heart-wrenching incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, a couple from Landos Business Centre in Chihota, Marondera, is facing serious legal repercussions following the alleged murder of their six-month-old baby. Colleen Munemo (30) and Shepherd Mugava (29) are currently in police custody as investigations unfold.

According to police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the tragic event occurred on September 19, 2024, during a domestic altercation. Reports indicate that the couple’s infant son, Earth Mugava, died after being thrown to the ground in the midst of their fight. In a disturbing turn of events, the couple reportedly attempted to mislead authorities by initially claiming that the child had fallen from a bed.

Commissioner Nyathi confirmed the arrests and emphasized the gravity of the situation: “Police in Mahusekwa have arrested a couple, Colleen Munemo and Shepherd Mugava, in connection with a case of murder which occurred at Landos Business Centre. Their actions led to the tragic loss of their child.”

The incident highlights a troubling trend in domestic violence cases, which are increasingly resulting in fatal outcomes. Experts have long warned about the dangers of domestic disputes, particularly in households with children. The alleged actions of Munemo and Mugava serve as a grim reminder of the potential consequences of unresolved conflicts and the urgent need for effective interventions.

As the investigation continues, the community grapples with the implications of this tragic event. Local leaders and advocates are calling for greater awareness and resources to address domestic violence, urging individuals to seek help before conflicts escalate to violence. In light of this tragedy, it is crucial to recognize the importance of support systems for families and the role of community resources in preventing domestic violence. The loss of young Earth Mugava is not just a personal tragedy; it reflects a broader societal issue that demands attention and action.

In other news – Woman sentenced to community service following @ssault conviction

A Binga woman was sentenced to perform 300 hours of community service after she was convicted of assault by a Hwange magistrate. Lugwasyo Mudimba (37) of Chigani Village under Chief Pashu, Binga bit off a piece of a fellow villager’s ear accusing her of gossiping about her.

The complainant also sustained other injuries as a result of the assault. Prosecutors proved that on the 16th of March 2024, Midimba met the 27-year-old complainant along a footpath and started accusing her of gossiping about her in the village. Read More

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