Zimbabwe News

Zinara clarifies tollgate fee exemption criteria – Government vehicles and chiefs only

The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) has issued a clear statement regarding tollgate fee exemptions, specifying that only government vehicles and those specifically assigned to traditional chiefs are eligible for exemption. This clarification comes as part of an effort to address previous misuse of the exemption system and ensure fair application of toll fees.

Under the updated policy, motorists residing within a 10-kilometer radius of a tollgate are eligible for a single discounted pass per day. Any additional trips made within the same day will be charged at the full rate. This adjustment is intended to balance the need for local residents’ convenience with the necessity of toll revenue for road maintenance.

The policy change follows a 2020 resolution aimed at tightening the criteria for toll exemptions. Previously, traditional chiefs were exempted from toll fees under a card system outlined in Statutory Instrument 39 of 2009. However, this system had significant loopholes, allowing any vehicle carrying a chief to claim a free pass, which led to widespread misuse.

To address these issues, Zinara collaborated with the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works to develop a more stringent system. This collaboration resulted in the creation of a list of government-issued vehicles for traditional chiefs, ensuring that only the designated vehicles benefit from the exemption.

Mrs. Tsungie Manyeza, Zinara’s head of corporate communications, highlighted that the new exemption criteria are based on the Registration and Vehicle Licensing Act. These criteria apply uniformly to all qualifying government vehicles, reinforcing a consistent approach to tollgate fee exemptions.

In addition to the exemptions for government and chief’s vehicles, Zinara also offers discounted toll passes for residents living near tollgates. Established in 2002, Zinara manages toll revenues, which are crucial for funding road maintenance and development projects across the country.

The recent clarification on tollgate fee exemptions aligns with recent warnings from Zanu-PF leaders Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri and Dr. Obert Mpofu. Both leaders have stressed the importance of adhering to toll regulations and have warned party members of legal consequences for non-compliance.

By tightening the criteria for toll exemptions, Zinara aims to enhance the fairness and effectiveness of the toll system while ensuring that revenue generated from tolls continues to support essential road infrastructure improvements.

In other news – Robbers steal over US$111,000 and R1.28 million in heist at Fawcetts security facility

In a brazen and meticulously planned heist, armed robbers made off with a staggering US$111,411 and R1,281,320 after targeting a Fawcetts Security facility in Chipinge early Wednesday morning. The theft, which occurred just before 3 AM, has left both the local community and law enforcement agencies reeling.

According to police reports, the robbery involved at least five men. The assailants initially targeted two Fawcetts Security guards who were on rapid response duties and had parked their branded Isuzu KB250 in the town center. The robbers, wearing balaclavas and armed with pistols, approached the guards, ordering them to open the van’s doors. Read More

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