In ancient times, edible root crops were not eaten. They served as the main component for the preparation of various medicinal potions. By the way, even then they loved gambling. And now they are all collected on the Betwinner South Africa website. Now a fresh vegetable is beneficial for people with obesity, suffering from hypertension, diabetes and liver disease. After all, beets are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
What is the attractive composition of the vegetable?
An edible root crop of an acceptable size, which did not go into arrows and was not sweetened with harmful fertilizers, has a wide range of vitamins:
- Betaine;
- B vitamins;
- Folic acid;
- Vitamin C;
- beta-carotene;
There are also plenty of trace elements in fresh vegetables:
- Iron;
- Phosphorus;
- Potassium;
- Magnesium;
- Bor;
- Sodium;
- Iodine;
- Zinc.
The combination of vitamin and chemical composition is so successful that root crops can prevent and cure most common diseases. For example, a large amount of magnesium contributes to the expansion of the arteries and increases the level of oxygen in the blood. Thus, beets fight hypertension and atherosclerosis. And this is only a small part of what this vegetable can do.
By the way, read the delicious recipe.
What are the benefits of beets
A fresh root vegetable boasts a low calorie content, a high content of fiber, anthocyanins, and betaine. They allow you to effectively deal with liver diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Given the entire range of chemical composition, eating raw vegetables leads to other positive results:
- Salts of heavy metals are removed.
- The condition of capillaries improves, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.
- The lack of iron and iodine in the body is replenished.
- Increases mental performance and improves memory.
- The acid-base balance of the circulatory system is maintained normally.
- The assimilation of proteins and the transport of hemoglobin through the blood improves (a noticeable obstacle to oxygen starvation is created).
- The level of protection of the thyroid gland from harmful effects increases.
The use of fresh beetroot helps to slow down the growth of malignant tumors. The effect is achieved due to the presence of the pigment Betalain, which gives the root crop a characteristic dark red color and is a powerful natural antioxidant.
Here are some more facts about beets being one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals:
- The combination of iron, folic acid and iodine, provided in adequate amounts, helps fight anemia and is beneficial during pregnancy.
- Regular consumption of fresh vegetables in food benefits the work of the gastrointestinal tract, provided that nothing has been disturbed in the gastrointestinal tract before. This is facilitated by fiber and betaine.
- Magnesium, vitamin C and folic acid together help bone tissue develop in the right direction.
- Dietary fiber, flavonoids are excellent supplements for a set of exercises aimed at preventing stroke.
- Vitamin C activates the work of white blood cells responsible for protection against viral diseases. In addition, vitamin C is useful for asthma patients: in this form, it greatly facilitates the course of the disease.
- Beta-carotene promotes lung health, prevents cancer and prevents eye cataracts. No wonder, beets are on a par with blueberries and carrots.
- Betaine promotes the production of the hormone of happiness – serotonin, which is useful in dealing with stress and anxiety.
- Silicon oxide has a positive effect on the absorption of calcium, the amount of which determines how strong the bones will be.
However, not everyone can eat raw vegetables. Foremost, the ban applies to patients with hypotension and those who are allergic to beet, and also have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
How to eat raw vegetables
You can eat fresh beets as part of a salad, grated or squeezed with a juicer. Regardless of the form in which you consume the root crop, the body must be prepared to receive such food.
If we are talking about a grated state, then it is worth starting with one teaspoon per day. In the absence of adverse reactions from the body, such as nausea, diarrhea, etc., the daily volume can be gradually increased to 200 g.
Beetroot juice, so useful in the treatment of diabetes, should not be consumed in its pure form. The liquid easily irritates the gastric mucosa, so it must first be prepared. Start with a ratio of 1:10, where you can use carrot or apple fresh as a large part. Gradually, the ratio can be equalized to 1:1.
What root crops are suitable for fresh consumption
The general approach to choosing a quality vegetable is simple: beets should have a rich color and be elastic, white rings in a cut form are not allowed. In more detail, then:
- Thin skin and dense structure, the absence of damage and rot are sure signs of a quality fruit.
- Many roots and leaves on the surface of the root crop, a white core, indicate that the vegetable was incorrectly stored and grown using nitrates.
Questions and answers
What is the energy value of 100 g of raw beets?
Forty kcal.
What is the composition of 100 g of raw vegetable?
3g fiber, 1.5g protein, 0.2g fat and 9.6g carbohydrates.
What is the difference between boiled beetroot and raw beetroot?
Boiled beet contains more calories, but the percentage of fruit acids that irritate the stomach and intestines is noticeably less. Of this, heat-treated beets are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
What are the main benefits of fresh vegetables?
Reduces blood pressure, helps to effectively fight diabetes and liver disease, obesity. Serves as a source of iron for pregnant women.
How many raw beets can you eat per day?
No more than 200 grams.