The husband of Budiriro 4 Primary School ECD teacher, Magdalene Mandiveyi, who was found dead on Friday after she had been reported missing, said his life will never be the same again following her mysterious death.
Mandiveyi (38) was found dead in a maize field in Aspindale on Friday.
Her husband, David Mupanganyemba (45), told H-Metro that on the day Magdalene went missing, she left home early for work while he and their three-month-old baby were still asleep. Said Mupanganyemba:
She left home on Monday for work and left me asleep since I was off duty.
Handitombozivi kuti musi wacho akabuda mumba akapfeka zvakaitasei. I expected her during lunchtime to breastfeed the baby, but she never came. I called her cellphone number, but it was unreachable.
I sent someone to look for her at the school and that is when we learned that she had not reported for duty and began to wonder what had happened to her.
One of the senior teachers told us that Magdalene had phoned earlier in the morning saying she would report late for work.
She told the senior teacher that she wanted to nurse the baby since our maid had not returned from her off.
After informing my in-laws about this, we joined the search party, only to be called to Marimba Police Station on Friday to identify a body they had found.
I went and identified the body as my wife. My life will never be the same without her.
Mupanganyemba, who described his wife as “a very quiet and supportive woman”, said she had not complained about anything nor showed any signs of distress in the days leading up to her disappearance and subsequent death.
A Budiriro 4 Primary student who boarded the same kombi with Magdalene in the morning she disappeared allegedly told a senior teacher at the school that the driver ignored their calls to be dropped off at their usual point.
The girl said the driver of the kombi later stopped and allowed her to alight while Magdalene remained seated.
Some mourners, including teachers from Budiriro 4 Primary, said they suspected Magdalene could have been killed for ritual purposes. Said a mourner:
It was raining the whole week, but her body had no mud whatsoever. She could have been killed elsewhere and dumped in the field.
Magdalene completed her teaching studies at Nyadire Teachers’ College in 2015 and joined the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education the following year.
She first taught at Stratford Primary School in Banket before moving to Royden Primary School near Whitehouse along the Harare-Bulawayo Road.
Magdalene then taught at David Livingstone Primary School before being transferred to Budiriro 4 Primary. She is survived by her husband David and four children.
In other news – Teacher found dead in Mufakose
The Herald has confirmed that an ecd teacher from Mufakose was found lying dead in a field close to Aspindale.
The teacher went missing last week and many were shocked when a lady reported that she found a dead body in her field. Learn More