Scott Sakupwanya made headlines after he bought his wife a Range Rover as a gift. The gesture has been met with both admiration and criticism, with some people lauding Sakupwanya for his show of love and generosity, while others question the necessity of such a lavish gift.
According to reports, the couple has had a strong and stable relationship, and the gift was meant to show his appreciation for her unwavering support and loyalty throughout the years.
The Range Rover, known for its comfort and style, is a symbol of wealth and status, and it’s not surprising that some people have criticized Sakupwanya for flaunting his wealth.
However, it’s important to note that Boss Scott is a successful businessman who has worked hard to earn his wealth. He owns Better Brands Jewellery, a huge exporter of gold, although its operations have been shrouded in controversy.
Source: ZimCelebs
In other news – Seh Calaz speaks on Zim music – “Zimdancehall is not dead but Abandoned”
In a recent Facebook post, Yala Nation boss Seh Calaz spoke out about the state of Zimbabwean dancehall, stating that while it is not dead, it has been abandoned by some of its most prominent artists. According to Calaz, the dancehall culture in Zimbabwe has been strained by music albums, causing many musicians to abandon the genre in favor of more popular ones.
Calaz went on to say that many Zimbabwean artists only sing dancehall music to gain relevance and once they become famous, they switch to other genres: “Maonero angu ndoona kunge vanhu vanoimba Zim dancehall kuti vasimbe and vakangoita mbiri nemazita vakutoti hatichaita izvozvo takurova dzimwe,cynt mention names tovaziva, The pioneers vazhinji vakachinja vakaenda ku Jiti, Afro, Amapiano, hip-hop, jazz,sungura, Rhumba vachitevera ma trends” he wrote.Learn More