The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has banned its members from soccer betting after a picture of two uniformed police officers placing a wager in a betting house in Harare went viral.
Police officers found betting face arrest and detention, according to a 06 January “radio signal” sent to all police stations from “COMPOL OPS” (Commissioner Police Operations). The memo reportedly originated from the office of Assistant Commissioner Kenneth Thebe who is in charge of ZRP operations, and was sent under the subject: “Soccer betting by police officers and members.”
The communication does not say what charges police officers face. However, the Police Act criminalise “acting in an unbecoming manner… reasonably likely to bring discredit to the police force. In Zimbabwe, soccer betting is not just a pastime but thousands of people will be trying their luck to supplement their paltry wages.
Police officers, like all State employees, are some of the worst-paid professionals in Zimbabwe with average salaries of less than US$400.
Source: pindula.