Controversial Harare-based preacher, Talent Madungwe, can now sleep soundly at night after he settled his rental arrears with his landlord.
The self-styled prophet paid US$100 of the US$800 he owes his landlady in rental arrears early this month but his landlord, Gogo Mangena of Hatfield Harare, was not amused.
Madungwe had fallen foul of his landlord after he failed to pay his rentals for four months.
Nehanda Radio reported Gogo Mangena as saying the Exiles Desire of Nations founder had now made full payment and was thus in the clear. She said:
Yes, he has paid the balance following the US$100 he first paid. All is well now.
Madungwe blamed his financial challenges on evil forces, whom he claimed did not want him preaching the word of God.
However, his critics consider his claim of seeing God face to face and dining with the Almighty as blasphemous, and they believe he is now facing divine wrath.
Madungwe gave credit to United Kingdom-based entrepreneur and Pastor Chenai Marerwa, for giving him the money to clear his rental arrears. He said:
I want to thank Pastor Chenai of El Bethel Global Ministries for helping me to settle my rental arrears.
The help came at a time when I am to celebrate my birthday tomorrow (Tuesday). I will be turning 38. Ndakura.