AFTER the successful completion of primary elections, Zanu-PF is now geared to launch its election manifesto that will give impetus to its campaign for this year’s harmonised polls.
In a wide-ranging interview in Harare yesterday, Zanu-PF Secretary for the Commissariat, Mike Bimha, said the revolutionary party is raring to go.
“We are now looking forward to the launch of the party manifesto which will give impetus to the whole exercise of our campaign programme.
“We are now in the process of preparing for the onslaught, preparing for the final push as it were to make sure that Zanu-PF comes out victorious,” he said.
As the ruling party, Zanu-PF is confident of securing a resounding victory because of several programmes, policies and projects that are uplifting the populace.
All the programmes and projects are premised on addressing the needs, hopes and aspirations of the people.
The successes the party continues to record in various sectors of the economy such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism and small to medium enterprises, are also testimony of the Government’s commitment to meet the people’s needs.
“It’s all systems go, all our structures are poised for that onslaught, the wings of the party, the affiliates of the party and even the returnees from the opposition are all geared up so that we all work as a team to achieve a common objective. A lot of young people have made their way back showing the vibrancy of the party,” Bimha said.
Admittedly, he said, some of those who found their way back are still greenhorns, hence they will go to the Chitepo School Ideology for orientation.
“They will go through an orientation programme so that they fully understand the history of this country, the history of the struggle, the road to where we are, Vision 2030, and the current thrust of the New Dispensation,” said Bimha.
Zanu-PF, he said, is the only political party rooted in advancing the needs and aspirations of the people through the various economic and social policies it has embarked on.
Bimha said the recently held primary elections showed that Zanu-PF has made a lot of strides in entrenching democracy.
“It was also a test for our democracy. Democracy is a process and there is no way you can say you have achieved it 100 percent. People participated freely, they came on their own and they made their own choices freely.
“There was no imposition whatsoever be it at district, provincial or even at senior level. People made their own choices freely.
“When people made their applications and submitted their CVs, there was no CV that was thrown away.
“There was no CV that was intercepted at the district level or at the provincial level,” he said.
The objective, Bimha said, is to achieve 5 million votes for the President and the party.
“We accept that we went through an internal exercise and whatever happens should now be behind us and we focus on achieving five million votes for the President and the party,” he said.
Further, Bimha considered the primary elections period as a very important mobilisation exercise.
Meanwhile, Zanu-PF National Assembly Member for Mazowe North constituency, Campion Takura Mugweni, who failed to make it in the just-ended primary elections, contested for local authority reruns where he sailed through in Ward 5.
Source: bulawayo24
In other news- Third witness nails Biti
A THIRD State witness in the case of Harare East legislator Tendai Biti (CCC) who is accused of verbally assaulting local businesswoman Tatiana Aleshina told the court yesterday that when he sensed danger he rushed to the scene and stood between the accused and the complainant to avoid physical contact.Biti is denying the charge.
While leading evidence for the State, former Pokugara general manager Michael Van Blerk told magistrate Vongai Guwuriro that he saw Biti charging towards Aleshina, and he had to sprint to stand between the accused and the complainant. Learn more